Friday, October 4, 2013

I'm a Wannabe!

     I have always been the type of person who wants to be something I'm not. I want to be a superhero, a world class chef, thin, pretty, the next great American writer, Hermione Granger, Sherlock Holmes, a NASCAR driver, an international jewel thief,  a veterinarian, an athlete, a genius...Well you get the picture.

   What I truly am is a 30 something stay-at-home mother who works part time as a cashier. I never finished college and I've never accomplished much in my life other than having two children I love to the ends of the universe and back again. I never learned how to drive and more often than not I burn everything I cook. Though, in my defense I have really horrible stovetop/oven.  I'm obese and get winded just climbing up a flight of stairs. I'm not swift nor smart enough to be a jewel thief/Sherlock. And despite my still waiting for the owl saying I got into Hogwarts, (I am so Hufflepuff!) I doubt I'll ever be Hermione.
    As to being America's next great writer...well I know that wont happen BUT and this is a big but (after all I am a big gal) I'm hoping to be a writer. Maybe not the greatest...maybe one whose works never see the light of day. But nevertheless I want more than anything to be able to say I'm a writer. So I'm sick of being a wannabe writer. I'm going to be a writer. I'm proud that I've never let my imagination die. That I'm always daydreaming. But now I want to be proud of being a writer. I'll be posting on here along the way. I'll post about my frustrations, triumphs, tips, critiques, and other mumbo jumbo as I see fit. So join me as I go from being a wannabe to just being.